
How Do Power Car Windows Increase Passenger Safety?

Power windows are responsible for approximately 2,000 emergency room visits every year. When a power window closes, it exerts enough force to bruise or break bones, crush fingers, or restrict an airway. Though power windows exert large amounts of force, they are still largely considered safer than manual car windows.

Power windows can be controlled by the driver. No matter how many times you tell a misbehaving child to leave their power window switch alone, they may still keep pressing the button to open their window. The driver has a master set of window controls to close any window that is open on the car. This simple device s... Read more

Posted on June 2019,06   // Author: Admin  

Vika DPA visits Car Parts Nigeria.

Getting an answer for the difficulties in looking for certified car parts have been one of the principle objective of Car Parts Nigeria. To serve the clients better in African Market, Car Parts Nigeria received 2 representatives (Leo Liang and April) from Vika DPA to talk about the difficulties in the automobile business and potential arrangements. They offered such a great amount of prospect in guaranteeing supplies of value items at reasonable cost in the Nigerian auto division.

Vika DPA offer market-demonstrated, solid automobile parts in a wide range for the whole vehicle, which fit a wide range of ŠKODA Volkswagen Au... Read more

Posted on May 2019,23   // Author: Admin  

German startup expects to launch an electric flying taxi service by 2025

This German company plans to make that a reality in the next six years. Munich-based startup Lilium unveiled its five-seater electric air taxi prototype on Thursday. The Lilium Jet, which conducted its first flight earlier this month, is part of an app-based flying taxi service that the company expects will be "fully-operational in various cities around the world by 2025."The battery-powered jet is capable of traveling 300 kilometers (186 miles) in 60 minutes on a single charge, and will connect cities through a network of landing pads. Commuters will be able to book rides from their nearest landing pad through a smartphone app. Lilium ... Read more

Posted on May 2019,16   // Author: Admin  

When Should Front Struts Be Replaced?

Every vehicle is different, which makes getting an easy answer to this question difficult. In fact, ask most mechanics when front struts should be replaced, and you’ll likely be told every 50,000 to 100,000 miles. That is a huge gap in mileage. In all truth, the life-span of struts and supporting shocks will depend greatly on the driving conditions and patterns. Those who drive on city roads and highways frequently might experience longer-lasting struts than those living on country roads.

The best answer for this question is to follow 3 general rules of thumb:

Have your struts and suspension inspected every 25,000 ... Read more

Posted on May 2019,14   // Author: Admin  

How To Use A Battery Load Tester

A battery load tester does more than just check the condition of the cars battery, it can be used to check the starting system, the charging system, and the alternator too.

Battery load testers were once too expensive for the do-it-yourself mechanic. Today, a battery load tester is affordable enough for even the casual shade tree mechanic to have in his garage. My favorite is a handheld digital battery loads tester made by Cartman, it loads Amp Digital Battery Load Tester that costs less than N6000 online.

You can use a Digital Multimeter to check Automobile storage batteries, charging systems, and starting systems, but ... Read more

Posted on May 2019,09   // Author: Admin  

When to Replace Front Struts

Every vehicle is different, which makes getting an easy answer to this question difficult. In fact, ask most mechanics when front struts should be replaced, and you’ll likely be told every 50,000 to 100,000 miles. That is a huge gap in mileage. In all truth, the life-span of struts and supporting shocks will depend greatly on the driving conditions and patterns. Those who drive on city roads and highways frequently might experience longer-lasting struts than those living on country roads.

The best answer for this question is to follow 3 general rules of thumb:

Have your struts and suspension inspected every 25,000 ... Read more

Posted on April 2019,22   // Author: Admin  

How to Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

How Do Thieves Steal Catalytic Converters?
Thieves tend to target vehicles with easily accessible catalytic converters, such as pickup trucks and certain SUVs. Cars left for extended periods of time in poorly monitored lots tend to be the most common locations.

It only takes a saw and a few minutes to remove a catalytic converter. In some cases, catalytic converter thieves will use a board to slide themselves beneath a vehicle, or, if time allows, use a jack to lift up the car. Once underneath, the thief saws through the piping on both sides of the converter to pull it off of the car.

How Do You Know Your Catalytic ... Read more

Posted on April 2019,10   // Author: Admin  

Know how to read tire wear:

You should check your tires for wear at least once a month and before and after long trips. You check them to determine whether you need to buy new tires, have your wheels balanced, have your wheels aligned, or change your driving habits.

Taking time to rotate your tires is useless unless you know how to "read" the wear on your tires.

Tires that show excessive wear on the outside edges of the tires are typical when the tire pressure is under inflated frequently. When a tire is under inflated, it tends to "ride" on the inside and outside edge more than it should. This is why both sides are worn out.

Over inflation... Read more

Posted on March 2019,27   // Author: Admin  

7 Most Recycled Car Parts

Basic car maintenance frequently requires the removal and replacement of old or worn out parts. Parts damaged in accidents may also need replacing, or even entire cars if the damage is too extensive. Instead of tossing your used or broken car parts in the trash, or sending them away for safe disposal, consider whether or not they are recyclable.

Recycling reduces the amount of waste building up in landfills and harm to the earth’s environment. While cars already contribute to increased smog in crowded cities, some of their parts can be reused in other vehicles or repurposed for other tasks. Know how to make the most ... Read more

Posted on March 2019,26   // Author: Admin  

How Gearbox Works

Today we will learn about types gearbox and its components An automobile requires high torque when climbing hills and when starting, even though they are performed at low speeds. On other hand, when running at high speeds on level roads, high torque is not required because of momentum.  So requirement of a device is occur, which can change the vehicle’s torque and its speed according to road condition or when the driver need. This device is known as transmission box or gearbox.

You can have any number of gears connected together and they can be in different shapes and sizes. Each time you pass power from one gear whee... Read more

Posted on March 2019,25   // Author: Admin