
How To Detect A Faulty Ignition Coil
A faulty ignition coil can result in several frustrating issues with your car's engine. Fortunately, a faulty ignition coil is one of the least expensive car repairs. You should be able to diagnose a faulty ignition coil before having to replace it.
Symptoms of a Faulty Ignition Coil
One of the most common symptoms of a faulty ignition coil is when the vehicle runs for a while and then the car's engine suddenly dies for no apparent reason. This occurs after the ignition coil or module gets too hot, and usually will correct itself after the engine module cools. In some cases, a bad ignition coil will result in the vehicle not starting it all. Or, it may have characteristics of a flooded carburetor, where the vehicle runs very poorly or jerks and stops erratically.
How to Test for a Faulty Coil
A quick way to test for a faulty coil is to allow the vehicle for run for about 30 minutes and then gently rap the module with the head of a screwdriver. If the car engine dies, this is a good indicator that the ignition coil is faulty and needs to be replaced.
You can also use a test light or standard voltmeter (multi-meter) to check the resistance on the ignition coil. As with all types of ignition system repairs for your vehicle, you should make sure to purchase a manual for your vehicle from or call 09099995678.
Posted on October 2018,11 // Author: Admin