
Warning Lights to Observe On The Dashboard.
Dashboard warning light signs.
When something goes wrong with your car, a signal funnels through the electrical system and into the dashboard. This way, the driver is informed that there is a problem with the system, hence the display of different warning lights.
But what do they really mean?
Don't worry, in this article, you will learn the meaning of the most common warning lights.
1. Oil Pressure Warning
What it means: Your engine is running low on oil, or there is a problem with your car's oil pressure system.
How to solve it: You should always start to check the engine oil level at the dipstick of your car. If you can’t find your engine oil's dipstick, check your service manual for the correct information. If the oil level is OK and the light is still ON, it can be a problem with the oil level sensor or the wires to it, and it needs proper troubleshooting.
2. fuel level indicator light
What it means: This light means that the fuel level in your fuel tank is low and it’s time to refill it.
How to solve it: Normally, you have to refill your fuel tank to make this light turn OFF. If the fuel tank is full and the symbol is still there, there might be a problem with the fuel level tank sensor.To diagnose this problem, I recommend to let a skilled car electrician take a look at it.
3. Antilock break warning
What it means: There is an issue with your anti-lock brake system that needs to be diagnosed and fixed.
How to solve it: To get rid of the ABS Light, the easiest way is to read your trouble code memory. In most cases, there is a problem with an ABS ring, sensor or the wirings to it. But to find the right wheel to troubleshoot you have to read the trouble codes with an OBD2 scanner. You can also check the fuses for the ABS control unit.
4. Battery alert
What it means: The car's charging system is short of power. You are running solely on battery.
How to solve it: To fix this problem, you have to measure the voltage the alternator is charging the battery on idle. A fast an easy trick you can test if you can reach your alternator is to give it a small hit with a hammer when the car is on idle to see if the light disappears. If the light fades after the run, it means that the coals in the alternator are worn out and they have to be replaced, or in most cases, replace the whole alternator.
5. Tire Pressure Warning Light
What it means: The pressure in one or more of your tires is too low and needs to be attended to.
How to solve it: To fix the Tire pressure monitoring system light, you should first make sure that you have the correct Tire pressure in all your tires. After you have filled the tire pressure light, you have to reset the TPMS system. To reset the TPMS system several ways are depending on what car you have, some vehicles you just have to drive it for 15 minutes, and some cars do have a button for the reset.
Posted on September 2019,24 // Author: Admin