
How to tell when a fuel injector needs to be replaced.

Your car can face performance problems when the fuel injector is not working properly. The fuel injector is an electronically controlled valve. The fuel pump supplies it with pressurized fuel. The symptoms of a failed fuel injector are similar whether your car has an electronic or a constant fuel injection system.

Hard Start and Rough Idle
When the car does not start on the first try and the ignition has to be turned on repeatedly to get it started, that's when you know there is a problem in a fuel injector. Another symptom is when the car stalls, hesitates or sputters on start up.

Fuel Smell and Poor Gas Consumption
When you notice any gas smell in the car or when you notice that your car is covering fewer miles per gallon of fuel, this is when you need to get your fuel injector checked. You only need to be concerned when gas consumption is less than your average gas consumption reading.

Poor Acceleration and Fuel Leak
When you notice a loss in power while stepping on the gas and when there is a gas leak from injector seals or injector, you can expect that its time to replace the fuel injector.

Calculating the cost of replacing the fuel injector.
The cost of replacing your automobile’s fuel injector does not have to break your wallet. In fact, not only does the cost depend on the make and model of your vehicle, but you can save money by knowing what exactly you need to have done or replaced.

Step 1 - Note the Make and Model of Your Car
Step 2 - Visit
Step 3 – Estimating the Cost. Call 09099995678.

Posted on April 2017,26  //  Author: Admin